Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something else no one wants to talk about.

Seriously, I'm completely serious about the seriousness of this seriousity. The high cost of refrigerator repair has finally gotten out of hand.

My beloved ice maker broke a couple months back. I don't think you understand the severity of this situation. I love that ice maker.

That ice maker to me is more important than indoor plumbing. I can pee on a tree, I can have a BM behind the back shed, but I'll be damned if I'm filling another damn ice tray.

The worst part of it is I'm addicted to using ice. 90 percent of what I drink on weekly basis is ice water. Notice the first word. You can't have ice water without ice and water. Really, who the hell ever heard of drinking just water?

When the ice maker broke, we were a little broke, so we went to the dollar store and bought some ice trays. For two months, we made due.

Finally, after my beautiful, saint of a mother came over and cleaned out my ice trays and didn't refill, I snapped. My wife had one last free week before starting a new job, so I said we should get it fixed.

Yeah, we were given an estimate of $75. After the local yokel showed up, somehow the price ballooned to $350. THAT IS A DAMN OUTRAGE!!!!!

I work for literally minutes at a time at my job, I pay my taxes when the government makes me, and I go to church at least once every seven years...and this is what I get in return!!??! An ice maker repair bill for $350? Seriously, serious?

Well, we paid the cash. And, it's been worth it. Hell, I've got enough ice in there currently to freeze the balls off a water buffalo.

But, I will be bitter until the U.S. lawmakers pass my bailout. It's time for people like me to get what's coming to them. A nice fat check and a 32 oz. cup of cold, delicious tap water.

Anything less would be uncivilized.


ditchell said...

cold water isn't enough for you. you require ice?

and yes, that's rid-ick-u-lous. you can buy a whole new fridge for like 800.

i think. i don't know. i'm going to ride mine until it dies. like a donkey.

yeah i'm drunk. hell with you and your doughnut ass blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Chris just rubbed salt in your $350 wound. Are you going to take that?! :-)

That sucks. I'm sorry.